Sunday, January 1, 2017

How the Foolish Live

A safe life can never be a full life.

If you are afraid to live loudly, you will never be heard.

If you are afraid to live boldly, you will never inspire change.

If you are afraid to take risks, you will become trapped in passivity.

If you are afraid to take a leap of faith, you will always be stuck on the ledge.

If you’re afraid of being hurt, you’ll never love hard, and if you’re afraid of being alone, you’ll love too quickly.

The wise ones in this world know that living loudly makes you visible, and living visibly makes you vulnerable. They know that living boldly leaves you open for mistakes, and that riskiness can end in tragedy.

The smart ones know that if you leap you can fall and if you run you might trip.

The careful ones hold their hearts tightly so they can’t be crushed. They live their lives safe from pain and safe from greatness, finding security in mediocrity.

But the foolish ones…the foolish ones know that anything beautiful does not come easily.

When the foolish ones jump and fall, the wise ones shake their heads as they watch. They know they wouldn’t have jumped. They would have been smart. That’s why they’re still safe.

But they don’t realize that every scar is a lesson learned. When the foolish ones have dusted off, they jump again. And, this time, they fly.

Be brave. Fail. Learn. Break your heart and piece it back together. Write. Love. Move. Jump. Fall. Fly.

Life isn’t meant to be held, it’s meant to be chased. Be the foolish one. Embrace possibility, and let them watch you live.

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